Through our ministries we, the community
of Christ the King, put our faith into
action. There is always something going on
in the parish, whether it is a social event,
a group that meets for personal
enrichment or a service project conceived
to raise awareness of an important issue in
our society. Ours is an active faith!
A través de nuestros ministerios de
nosotros, la comunidad de la Inmaculada
Concepción, ponemos nuestra fe en
acción. Siempre hay algo que hacer en la
parroquia, si se trata de un evento social,
un grupo que se reúne para el
enriquecimiento personal o un proyecto de
servicio concebido para dar a conocer un
tema importante en nuestra sociedad. La
nuestra es una fe activa!
Ministries, Organizations and Outreach
Parish Council
The Parish Council is
tasked to organize,
coordinate, evaluate,
unify and support
activities within the
Parish, ensuring the
extension of Christ's
Finance Council
The parish finance council
is an advisory body whose
membership should
include individuals skilled
in finance, civil law,
or business.
Buildings and Grounds
The Building and Grounds
Committee has the overall
responsibility for all of the
upkeep and improvements
of all the buildings and
grounds associated with
the Church, School, and
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Christ the King Catholic Church
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
4419 North Main Street Houston, TX 77009
Adoration in the Roman
Catholic Church is a
beautiful, reverent,
refreshing experience.
The simple act of going to
the church and spending
some time with Jesus is a
humbling one, and
depending on the degree
of open-hearted
acceptance you possess,
there are many graces
that can be obtained by
simply sitting with Jesus
for a while.
Altar Society
The Altar Society is an
organization for the
women of the parish
community to foster care
of the liturgical vessels
and vestments used in the
liturgy, provide for the
decoration of the
sanctuary and altar and
provide an occasion for
social activities and the
growth of friendships.
Liturgy Committee
The Blessed Sacrament
Liturgy Committee plans,
prepares, implements,
evaluates, and educates
about all aspects of
liturgy so that our diverse
community can fully,
actively and consciously
Eucharistic Ministers
As an extraordinary
minister of the Eucharist,
commonly referred to as a
Eucharistic minister, lay
people can serve the
Catholic Church by
distributing Holy
Communion during Mass
and bringing it to the
homebound. There is a
simple process that you
must follow in order to
become a Eucharistic
Altar Server
An altar server is a lay
assistant to a member of
the clergy during a
Christian religious service.
An altar server attends to
supporting tasks at the
altar such as fetching and
carrying, ringing the altar
bell, etc.
Baile Folklorico
Charismatic Movement
The major doctrinal distinctions of the Charismatic movement—the baptism in the Holy Spirit, tongues-speaking,
prophecy, the gift of healing and the emphasis on having a personal experience.
The Cursillo in Christianity is primarily a lay movement. It is an instrument of renewal by which Christianity can
permeate, live and grow in today's world. It proposes no new type of spirituality but a method through which one's
spirituality can be strengthened, lived and shared in all areas of one's environment.
English Cantors
Family Movement
The Christian Family Movement (also known as CFM) is a national movement of parish (neighborhood) small groups of
families that meet in one another’s homes to reinforce Christian values and actively encourage other fellow Christian
parents through active involvement with others.
Gabriel Project
Pregnant? Need Help? We, the members of this church community, see in the birth of each baby a fresh expression of God's
unfailing love. For the love of God and each and every one of his children, we offer immediate and practical help to any
woman faced with what might seem to be a crisis pregnancy. The only condition is that the child be allowed to live. 713-
Sociedades Guadalupanas (Guadalupe Societies) are religious associations organized by Mexican-American Catholic
women to provide leadership in social concerns and perform works of charity. The organization's name derives from
Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. Sociedades Guadalupanas have helped fostering female
development and leadership in the Catholic Church.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a lay Catholic family fraternal service organization. Membership in the Knights of Columbus
is open to all practical Catholic men in communion with the Holy See, age eighteen and above. The term practical Catholic
implies that a person accepts and abides by the Commandments of God and the precepts and tenets of the Catholic
Los Matachines dance in honor of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patroness of Mexico beginning December 8 -12 and later in
December as part of Christmas celebrations.
Neuroticos Anonimos
Nuevo Amanecer
Prime Seniors
Second family
San Vincent De Paul
Spanish choir
Ushers and greeters are considered ministers of hospitality. They are usually the first persons the parishioners and visitors
meet as they gather for the Celebration of the Mass, Evening Prayer, or other special celebrations. Ushers greet people and
assist in seating people. They make sure that the church is cleaned and that the pews are straightened and in order for the
next mass.
...and more